Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Satire (PMSS problems)

       I just love it when I am sitting in a class, hoping to get some work done and the teacher says we're doing notes or "review" all class long. Nothing is better! Some people complain and say, "Can we try getting some work done in class?" But personally for me, I would much rather spend after school and miss my physical activities so I can do all the work at home. That would be ideal for me. What excites me the most is when the class will do a whole hour and a half of notes and then the teacher will assign a project that has to be done the next day. Some people say it's not fair and somewhat mean. I enjoy the way teachers go about their business and make everything so rushed! When the teacher threatens to enforce their "late" policies, most of the class will tremble in fear and complain about how there was no class time to work on this. The "boss," also known as the teacher, will not care and after school will go about her own life away from school. As the teacher does this, roughly 600 students will be at home, merrily working with nothing but positive thoughts flowing through their minds. To some it may seem as a problem, but to people like myself and I imagine many others believe that this is the perfect way of learning. You may have to sacrifice your social life and physical fitness, but in the end it will be worth it... Won't it?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Across the Universe- The Beatles

Across the Universe- The Beatles

Words are flying out like 
endless rain into a paper cup 
They slither while they pass 
They slip away across the universe 
Pools of sorrow waves of joy 
are drifting thorough my open mind 
Possessing and caressing me 

Jai guru deva om 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 

Images of broken light which 
dance before me like a million eyes 
That call me on and on across the universe 
Thoughts meander like a 
restless wind inside a letter box 
they tumble blindly as 
they make their way across the universe 

Jai guru deva om 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 

Sounds of laughter shades of life 
are ringing through my open ears 
exciting and inviting me 
Limitless undying love which 
shines around me like a million suns 
It calls me on and on across the universe 

Jai guru deva om 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Nothing's gonna change my world 
Jai guru deva 
Jai guru deva

The Beatles all over the world have been known for the amazing and creative music they have made during the 60's and 70's. With the release of the song "Across the Universe" in December 1969, the Beatles showed the world many poetic and creative devices. The band starts off by giving an allusion to one of their teachers by saying in the chorus "
Jai guru deva om". The meaning in that line is saying "I give thanks to Guru Dev (heavenly teacher) om". The Beatles use a hyperbole, also in the chorus when they say "Nothing's gonna change my world". Imagery is used when it says:
Images of broken light which 
dance before me like a million eyes
Those two lines also use personification when it explains the broken light dancing and is also classified as a simile when it compares the broken light to a million eyes. Overall with the mood of the song, it is very persuasive and powerful. With all of these poetic devices inter grated into this song, it is obvious why the Beatles became so popular and shows why many peoples lives were touched by listening to this band and the genre of music they produced.

Friday, November 5, 2010

My Old Neighbour

Staring from the window of my 3 story house, I see an old man puffing away on his cigarette. People say that he is an intelligent man, which could evidently be seen from the wrinkles of skin on his forehead. The man blew the last puff of his smoke out onto his bristly, grey mustache. He stomped out the butt of the cigarette as he stood up with confidence. With a stretch of his back and a crack of his neck, the man took off his ball cap and scratched the remaining amount of hair he possessed on his head with his fragile hands. Even from the my point of view, I could see the white flakes of dandruff pour off his head like a snowy day in the middle of December. With a sudden look of discomfort in his pale blue eyes, the old fellow clenched his chest as he fell towards the ground. I ran down my stairs and outside, onward to his house. I grabbed the mans wrist checking to see if he had a pulse. His hands were stained a dark yellow from the continual years of smoking. The grandfather like figure opened his eyes, clearly in agonizing pain. I phoned 911 and within minutes they responded to the scene of his mishap. It was now 2 weeks after the accident and I noticed the old man had arrived back home feeling as good as he could be. He went inside momentarily and before I walked away from the window, he came out again, with a smoke in hand he sat down on his chair with his frail body and lit up another smoke. I then thought to myself with sadness in my voice, "Haven't you learnt yet?"

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

College Application?

To Mr.Applicant acceptance guy,

First of all, I shouldn't even need to do one of these. It's ridiculous. Do you not know who I am? My name is Matthew Webber, I'm kind of a big deal. People know me worldwide for my ability to run across Canada in a 2 day trek... with no shoes and without a scratch. My record is 97 goals in one period of a hockey game. With the Harry Potter series in front of me, I completed the whole series in a matter of 4 hours. One day, I actually taught a group of mute people how to speak. With the assistance of no one and no machines, a beached whale was returned to the ocean with my very own strength. People praise me. On Thursdays I climb the highest of mountains, on Fridays I read to the elderly, and on the weekends I go to the Amazon to wrestle with snakes and other wildlife. At the age of 6, people all over the world requested me to fix their broken bones, to fix their sickness, and to fix their unhealthy bodies. I'm just amazing! I once found a prehistoric dinosaur bone worth millions of dollars in my backyard... but didn't think it was a big deal, so i gave it to my dog. Before I was even born, I was side by side with Gandhi while he was on his hunger strike. God prays to me. Yes, I know all this information is truthful but yet I still have to find a college that takes me serious.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I'm Such A Critic!

I'm big, I'm dumb, and I'm not someone you want to mess with... Can you guess who I am? Well of coarse that is Lennie, from the movie and book Of Mice and Men. From the very first scene of seeing Lennie running away from the group of people after stirring trouble up in Weed, I knew Lennie was not how I pictured him after reading the book. It seemed like the actor, John Malkovich, was trying to hard to dumb his level to the level of an actual special needs person. While I watched the acting and the way Lennie played his role in the movie, I suddenly realized how much he didn't match the picture in my mind as I read along in the book. I had imagined a taller, stronger, and more built figure. It was a real upset. I actually looked forward to the acting of the character, Lennie, especially since I genuinely had a sense of passion for the book. With all the negatives about the acting, there were a few positives. The way that Lennie crushed Curleys hand and killed Curleys wife, was the exact way I envisioned it. The rage Lennie showed while smashing Curleys hand, was precisely how I pictured it, as the blood came pouring down. While watching the eyes of Lennie, as he touched the hair of Curleys wife, I knew right away from the way he was looking and petting the hair as if it were a dog, I could tell something bad was upcoming and Malkovich captured me in that scene. With both positives and negatives from the acting of John Malkovich, who played Lennie, overall I wouldn't give him a high rating but I would have to say that it got the job done.

Friday, October 15, 2010

How Could You! (assignment 3)

     "Why on earth did you do this to me Rick!" shouted Susan in anger.
     "I was lonely" Rick admitted, "I needed someone who was there for me, and you were at your mothers."
     Susan looked at her husband in total dismay, "So me being at my mothers means you can go over to her house and cheat on me with her!"
     "Well unlike you, she actually cares about how I'm feeling... and with you I feel like a total disaster! I don't know how you don't get it by now, I don't want to be with you!"
     "How could you Rick?" she mumbled as she started to cry, "I thought you wanted this marriage to work?"
     Rick turned away, then turned back without a hint of guilt on his face and stated "Susan, that was the past and now is the future... I think its our time to move on"
     "This is no fair! If that is the case, I want custody of the kids!"
     "Susan!" yelled Rick with rage evident in his voice, "There is absolutely no way! It's obvious who they love more, and its evidently not you Susan!"
     Hatred grew on the face of Susan as she screamed at the top of her lungs, "You're an evil man Rick! You should really know that your going straight to hell!"
     "That's not what you sister thinks," Rick replied with a smirk on his face.
     Without hesitation Susan hollered to the children from the bottom of the stairs, "Come on kids, were leaving this house right now!"
     "We will not leave with you mom!" bellowed one child from the upstairs, "We want to stay with Daddy"
     "But... kids how could you? I'm your mother, and frankly I have to be the better parent!"
     "Your making Kate upset mom, we just don't want you here anymore!" remarked the oldest of the two kids as he popped his head from around the corner.
     Rick came over to the distraught mother and whispered in a cocky voice, "Told ya... I think it's time for you to leave now hunnie"
     "Your a sick and twisted man!" she shrilled, as she left, with a slap to his face and the slamming of the door.
     Just as the atmosphere of the house started to settle down, a car slammed into the front door. In the driver seat sat Susan. Red to the face, she squealed off yelling, "Have fun paying for that you home wrecker!"

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are you man or mouse? (Cliche assignment)

With Lennie already headed down the river, George came running out of the barnhouse. Curley followed with a full head of steam. It was as dense as a London fog. Both men had butterflies in their stomachs as they approached one another. By the expressions on both their faces they realized they were both bad to the bone and they were going to go balls to the walls. When George saw Curley pull on his glove, he knew he was in deep do do. Curley came at him with a charge and was swinging for the fences. George cried in agony "Give it a rest!". For Curley it was gut check time. With all hands on deck, Curley threw a fury of punches that were all over the map! Curley had the man power to noticed that George was all bent out of shape and he knew by Georges facial expression that "All bets were off." As Curley let George stand up, Curley started to monkey around. George didn't take Curley lightly and stated "It's my way or the highway Buck-o!" George took Curley for a ride, by giving him fury apon fury of punches. With the tail between his legs, Curley layed flat on his back as he cried like a baby. After he took five, Curley stood up as quick and ran for the fences! Watching Curley run away, George knew he had done his job and wore is heart on his sleeves. Lennie came jogging back, once noticing george as the victor and asked If he was "raised by wolves?" With a smeark on his face he replied, " Whatever tickles your fancy Lennie, but to me it's all in a hard days work."