Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are you man or mouse? (Cliche assignment)

With Lennie already headed down the river, George came running out of the barnhouse. Curley followed with a full head of steam. It was as dense as a London fog. Both men had butterflies in their stomachs as they approached one another. By the expressions on both their faces they realized they were both bad to the bone and they were going to go balls to the walls. When George saw Curley pull on his glove, he knew he was in deep do do. Curley came at him with a charge and was swinging for the fences. George cried in agony "Give it a rest!". For Curley it was gut check time. With all hands on deck, Curley threw a fury of punches that were all over the map! Curley had the man power to noticed that George was all bent out of shape and he knew by Georges facial expression that "All bets were off." As Curley let George stand up, Curley started to monkey around. George didn't take Curley lightly and stated "It's my way or the highway Buck-o!" George took Curley for a ride, by giving him fury apon fury of punches. With the tail between his legs, Curley layed flat on his back as he cried like a baby. After he took five, Curley stood up as quick and ran for the fences! Watching Curley run away, George knew he had done his job and wore is heart on his sleeves. Lennie came jogging back, once noticing george as the victor and asked If he was "raised by wolves?" With a smeark on his face he replied, " Whatever tickles your fancy Lennie, but to me it's all in a hard days work."

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