Monday, September 13, 2010

Who's That!

In the society we live in today there is only one apparent super power I would enjoy. Obviously it would have to be the ability to be a shape shifter. Acquiring this trait could help with problems in the world and it could also be used in a sinister way. With this talent I could be the broken part of the bridge that saves a 80,000 pound logging truck from running off the road and plunging into a swift, white water rapid river. If I was the type of person to have a villainous mindset, I could shape shift into the key to a vault for a very affluent bank. Transportation would be effortless because with one thought of being an airplane I would already be in the air soaring to my destination. For many people, with myself having the capability to shape shift would put people out of employment due to the fact that I could do so many things and be so many tools that civilians would not be able to compare to me. In turn this would result in me having an abundance of money. Eventually after many years of helping society and committing crimes without getting caught I would retire on top, with a large collection of cash.


  1. Great blog! Good use of diction. Simalar title to mine but i'll let it slide.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
