Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Satire (PMSS problems)

       I just love it when I am sitting in a class, hoping to get some work done and the teacher says we're doing notes or "review" all class long. Nothing is better! Some people complain and say, "Can we try getting some work done in class?" But personally for me, I would much rather spend after school and miss my physical activities so I can do all the work at home. That would be ideal for me. What excites me the most is when the class will do a whole hour and a half of notes and then the teacher will assign a project that has to be done the next day. Some people say it's not fair and somewhat mean. I enjoy the way teachers go about their business and make everything so rushed! When the teacher threatens to enforce their "late" policies, most of the class will tremble in fear and complain about how there was no class time to work on this. The "boss," also known as the teacher, will not care and after school will go about her own life away from school. As the teacher does this, roughly 600 students will be at home, merrily working with nothing but positive thoughts flowing through their minds. To some it may seem as a problem, but to people like myself and I imagine many others believe that this is the perfect way of learning. You may have to sacrifice your social life and physical fitness, but in the end it will be worth it... Won't it?