Friday, October 15, 2010

How Could You! (assignment 3)

     "Why on earth did you do this to me Rick!" shouted Susan in anger.
     "I was lonely" Rick admitted, "I needed someone who was there for me, and you were at your mothers."
     Susan looked at her husband in total dismay, "So me being at my mothers means you can go over to her house and cheat on me with her!"
     "Well unlike you, she actually cares about how I'm feeling... and with you I feel like a total disaster! I don't know how you don't get it by now, I don't want to be with you!"
     "How could you Rick?" she mumbled as she started to cry, "I thought you wanted this marriage to work?"
     Rick turned away, then turned back without a hint of guilt on his face and stated "Susan, that was the past and now is the future... I think its our time to move on"
     "This is no fair! If that is the case, I want custody of the kids!"
     "Susan!" yelled Rick with rage evident in his voice, "There is absolutely no way! It's obvious who they love more, and its evidently not you Susan!"
     Hatred grew on the face of Susan as she screamed at the top of her lungs, "You're an evil man Rick! You should really know that your going straight to hell!"
     "That's not what you sister thinks," Rick replied with a smirk on his face.
     Without hesitation Susan hollered to the children from the bottom of the stairs, "Come on kids, were leaving this house right now!"
     "We will not leave with you mom!" bellowed one child from the upstairs, "We want to stay with Daddy"
     "But... kids how could you? I'm your mother, and frankly I have to be the better parent!"
     "Your making Kate upset mom, we just don't want you here anymore!" remarked the oldest of the two kids as he popped his head from around the corner.
     Rick came over to the distraught mother and whispered in a cocky voice, "Told ya... I think it's time for you to leave now hunnie"
     "Your a sick and twisted man!" she shrilled, as she left, with a slap to his face and the slamming of the door.
     Just as the atmosphere of the house started to settle down, a car slammed into the front door. In the driver seat sat Susan. Red to the face, she squealed off yelling, "Have fun paying for that you home wrecker!"